Arts and Culture Board
The Arts and Culture Board was created to act in an advisory capacity to the town council in matters pertaining to arts and culture within the Town of Hickory Creek. The board will consist of seven members. The duties and powers of the board are as follows:
1) Formulate and recommend to the Town Council for its adoption a schedule of events and activities for the promotion of arts and culture within the Town of Hickory Creek and its environs, and from time to time recommend such changes in the plan as it finds will facilitate the promotion and advancement of arts and culture within the Town.
(2) Study and recommend on the location, extension and planning of public arts and culture facilities, and on the vacating or closing of same.
(3) Study and recommend on the design or alteration and on the location or relocation of works of art which are, or may become, the property of the town.
(4) Keep itself informed with reference to the progress of arts and culture events and improvements in other cities and counties throughout the state and other states and recommend improvements in the adopted plans of the town.
(5) Submit regularly a progress report to the town council summarizing its activities, major accomplishments, and a proposed work program for the month(s) to follow. The report shall contain for the year the attendance record of all members and the identity of commissioned officers.
(6) Perform such other duties as the town council may assign.