Driving Tips

“Changes” Have Deadlines

Transportation code 521.054 states when moving to a new address or changing your name by marriage or otherwise, a person shall notify the Department of Public Safety not later than the 30th day after the date on which the change takes effect, and apply for a duplicate drivers license.

Transportation code 502.407 states after the 5th working day after the date of expired registration, a person may not operate a motor vehicle that does not properly display a valid registration insignia issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Transportation code 502.404 states a vehicle must display 2 license plates, at the front and rear of the vehicle, that matches the registration insignia issued.

New Residents to the State of Texas

Transportation code 521.029 states a new resident of this state may operate a motor vehicle no more than 90 days, if in possession of an active Driver License issued by another state.

TX Administrative Code Title 43, Rule 217.22, states a vehicle brought to Texas from out-of-state must be registered within 30 days of the date on which the owner establishes residence or secures gainful employment.

Move Over

When you approach any stopped emergency vehicle with lights flashing, state law requires that you:

  • Vacate the lane closest to the emergency vehicle or tow truck when driving on a highway with 2 or more lanes.
  • If not possible to safely change lanes you must slow down 20 miles per hour below the posted speed limit when the posted speed limit is 25 miles per hour or more.

Failure to comply could result in a fine of up to $200.

Tips to Plan Ahead & Avoid the Risk of Impaired Driving

Think about your travel arrangements before you go out.

  • If it is not safe to drive, stay the night.
  • Before you go out, nominate someone in your group to take the responsibility to ensure everyone gets home safely.
  • Make sure you always have money to catch a taxi/bus/train home.
  • Always look out for your friends. You don’t want anything to happen to them.
  • Always make sure that a driver is safe to drive. If they are not safe to drive, catch a cab or get a ride with someone who is sober.
  • Have a personal rule that you don’t take drugs and drive-and that you don’t go in a car with a driver who is on drugs or has been drinking.
  • And always remind your family and friends of how to stay safe.

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